Submission to the Annals of Romanian Society for Cell Biology
The papers - Will be written only in English. Authors should use a Word for Windows/Mac or Open Office/Linux text processor. The page formatting should be as follows: - A4 paper size. - Header 0 cm, footer 2 cm. Please do not insert page numbers or any other text. - Margins: top 2cm, bottom 2cm, left 2 cm, right 2cm. - Gutter 0 cm, Gutter position left.

Manuscript Style
- For the title, use sentence case, Garamond font at a size of 14 pt, bold, single-spaced, text alignment left. - For author's names, use only capital letters, standard true-type font, Times (New) Roman at a size of 10 pt, single-spaced, text alignment left. - For affiliation(s), use title case, standard true-type font, Times (New) Roman at a size of 10 pt, italic, single-spaced, text alignment left (i.e. Faculty or Institute or Department or Laboratory/University/City/Country = Laboratory of Cell Biology, Wagingen University, Rome, Italy).
- For the abstract, use sentence case, standard true-type font, Times (New) Roman at a size of 12 pt, single-spaced, text alignment justified.
- For the body text of the manuscript, use sentence case, standard true-type font, Times (New) Roman at a size of 12 pt, single-spaced text alignment justified, two columns.
- For acknowledgements, use sentence case standard true-type font, Times (New) Roman at a size of 12 pt, single-spaced, text alignment left.
- For subtitles, use sentence case standard true-type font, Times (New) Roman at a size of 12 pt, single-spaced for subtitles, text alignment left (i.e Summary, Introduction, Material(s) and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion(s), Acknowledgements, References).
- For references, use title case, standard true-type font, Times (New) Roman at a size of 10 pt, singlespaced, text alignment justified.

Manuscript Content
The title (Limit 50 words for title), the name(s) of the author(s) and affiliation(s) should be on the left side. The names of the authors should be written as follows: the first name(s) for both women and men as initial(s) followed by the ful last name(s). - Must have an abstract, containing the main objective(s), a short description of the methods, results and conclusion(s). The abstract must have at least 5 lines but no more than 15 lines maximum (Limit 200 words).
- The body text of the manuscript will comply with the following pattern: Introduction, Material(s) and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion(s), Acknowledgements, References.
- Abbreviations should be used only if a lenghty name or expression is repeated throughout the manuscript. All abbreviations should be expanded the first time they appear in the text.
- Tables should be in the body text of the manuscript and fit on a single page.
- Spelling should conform with The Concise Oxford Dictionary. SI units must be used.
- References will be edited in alphabetical order of the authors, followed by the complete title of the cited paper, title of the journal abbreviated according to the internationally accepted rules (International Standard ISO 7144/1986 - "Documentation-presentation of theses and similar documents"), number of the volume, first and last page, year of publication (Ex.: Craciun, C; Horobin, R.: A tissue processing schedule for parallel light and electron microscopy. Proc. Roy. Microsc. Soc. (London), 24, 4, 223 - 225, 1989). For articles published in volumes, chapters and books, the name(s) of the editor(s), the publishing house and the place of the publication will be included instead of the name of the journal (Example: Cachita, C.D., Craciun, C., Ultrastructural studies on some ornamentals. In: Handbook of Plant Cell Culture, vol.5, chap.4, pp.57-94, 1990. Edited by Y.P.S. Bajaj and A. Amirato, McGraw-Hill and Comp., New York).
- Citations in text will obey the following rules: for cited papers with one or two authors, the last name(s) of the author(s) will be used, followed by the year of publication (all information between normal brackets); for multi-authored papers, the last name of the first author, followed by et al. and the year of publication will be used = (Joy, 2000) or (Joy & Williams, 2003) or (Echlin et al., 2000).

Preparation of electronic artwork
- All images/illustrations must be high resolution - a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
- Graphs, charts and maps should be supplied as .jpeg or .tiff
- Photographs/halftones/scanned images should be supplied as .tiff (Tagged Image File Format).
- Black and white images should be supplied as 'grayscale'.
- Colour images should be supplied as RGB.
- Multipart figures should be supplied in the final layout in one file, labeled (A), (B), etc.
- Supply figures at final size widths: 7.5 cm (single column) or 16.5 cm (double column).
- For labels, use standard true-type font, Times (New) Roman at a size of 10. INFO SUBMISSION PLEASE READ BEFORE


The description of the main steps in article submission process
1. Type, Title, & Abstract
2. Attributes
3. Authors & Institutions
4. Reviewers & Editors
5. Details & Comments
6. File Upload
7. Review & Submit

1. Manuscript Type: could be Original Article or Letter to the Editor or Invited Review
2. Title (Limit 50 words)
3. Running Head (Limit 50 characters) The running head is a shortened form of the title of your paper that appears in uppercase letters at the top left of each page of your manuscript on site version.
4. Abstract (Limit 200 words)
5. Keywords
6. My Authors panel Names and affiliations, e-mails
7. My Reviewers
8. Cover Letter In addition to any information and statements required by the journal, every cover letter should contain the following elements:
a. An introduction stating the title of the manuscript and the journal to which you are submitting.
b. The reason why your study is important and relevant to the journal's readership or field.
c. The question your research answers. 4. Your major experimental results and overall findings.
d. The most important conclusions that can be drawn from your research.
e. A statement that the manuscript has not been published and is not under consideration for publication in any other journal f. A statement that all authors approved the manuscript and its submission to the journal.
g. Any other details that will encourage the editor to send your manuscript for review.
9. Manuscript Information Number of Figures Number of Tables Number of Words
10. Previously Submitted Yes/No
11. Confirm the following You will confirm that the manuscript has been submitted solely to this journal and is not published, in press, or submitted elsewhere You will confirm that all the research meets the ethical guidelines, including adherence to the legal requirements of the study country. You will confirm that you have prepared a complete text minus the title page, acknowledgments, and any running headers with author names, to allow blinded review.
12. Conflict of Interest Do you have any conflict of interest? Yes/No, If so, please state:....
13. Research Funding Is this article based on research that was funded entirely or partially by an outside source? Yes/No, If yes, please list the funding source(s) below:....
14. Blinded Review You will confirm that you have prepared a complete text minus the title page, acknowledgments, and any running headers with author names, to allow blinded review, and have not compromised your anonymity in any Supporting Information files or Additional Files for Review uploaded.
15. File Upload My Files (Total uploaded files cannot exceed 100000K = 95 MB) File Designation/Type File: Title Page (text file, should contain the title, keywords and authors names) Main Document or Figure or Supplemental File for Review