Challenges of an Internet of Things-Based Health Monitoring System

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D. Arun Shunmugam, M. Deshiya Narayan, Dr. K.Ruba Soundar, G. Vijayarani


The Internet of Things (IoT) is a cutting edge and quickly advancing innovation wherein everything (brilliant items and keen gadgets) is connected to the web for effective correspondence between them. The web of things is an impetus for medical care and assumes a basic part in an assortment of medical services following applications. By gathering internal heat level, circulatory strain, and sugar levels, organized sensors gadgets, regardless of whether worn on the body or installed in living conditions; permit the assortment of rich information to decide a patient's physical and psychological well-being condition. The troublesome errand in the Internet of things is conveying the gathered information to the specialist, settling on right choices dependent on the information gathered, and advising the patient. The creator of this paper centers around an investigation of IoT-based medical care frameworks, just as promising circumstances and difficulties for IoT-based patient wellbeing checking frameworks.

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How to Cite
D. Arun Shunmugam, M. Deshiya Narayan, Dr. K.Ruba Soundar, G. Vijayarani. (2020). Challenges of an Internet of Things-Based Health Monitoring System. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 1270–1277. Retrieved from