A study of the Cross-Culture of Seafarers on Board ship

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Captain Mohammad Abdullah Abu Sayed, Alifa sayed


The article focuses on a few issues with cultural diversity that now exist in mixed crews. There are innovative approaches to approach the difficulties of leading a multicultural team. The current problem facing everyone involved in the shipping business is the globalization of the whole marine and shipping sector. A crew of people from many nations and varied cultural backgrounds coexists on the same ship. To achieve the best potential working synergism, it is critical to be conscious of the differences in values and beliefs and the more immediate issues like language, religion, and cuisine. The article's purpose is to present a plan that is essential for every seaman, in particular an officer, to build a successful cross-cultural crew. All parties must acknowledge and respect one another's differences before positive working partnerships emerge. Multicultural crews are now the norm. The research's conclusions can be applied on board a ship with a mixed crew and during the instruction of deck and engine cadets in cross-cultural communication classes at maritime colleges. Cross-cultural communication has become essential for companies aiming to grow the market for their products or services. They are no longer allowed to assume that readers would come from a readership with the same culture and homogeneity. Cultural differences will affect the audience's perception of the papers and their faith level, even within the same nation. In addition to the many components of audience analysis that authors must now take into account, such as demographics, user profiles, employment within organizations, psychological needs, and more, authors must now also take into account the audience's culture.

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How to Cite
Captain Mohammad Abdullah Abu Sayed, Alifa sayed. (2015). A study of the Cross-Culture of Seafarers on Board ship. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 22–33. Retrieved from http://www.annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/11197