Influence of different doses of fertilizers and foliar spray of nutrients on yield and yield attributes of rice

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Elankavi, S., J. Nambi , S. Ramesh, S. Jawahar4 and K. Lavanya


A field investigation was carried out at the Experimental Farm, Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University during January - April (2019) to study the effect of different doses of inorganic fertilizer and organic foliar nutrition on productivity enhancement of rice. The results  of  the  experiment  showed  that application of 100 % RDF in main  plot registered  significantly  improved  yield and yield attributes of rice. Among the foliar nutrition in the sub plots, foliar application of 2% humic acid at panicle initiation and flowering significantly increased the yield and yield attributes of rice.Regarding the interactions, M3S- application of 100% RDF along with foliar spray of 2% Humic acid at panicle initiation and flowering excelled all other treatments by recording higher yield  and yield attributes during the cropping period. The least growth and yield parameters were recorded in application of50% RDF along with control (M1S5).

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How to Cite
Elankavi, S., J. Nambi , S. Ramesh, S. Jawahar4 and K. Lavanya. (2020). Influence of different doses of fertilizers and foliar spray of nutrients on yield and yield attributes of rice. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 1127–1134. Retrieved from