Methods of Teaching English Language Vocabulary to the First-Year Uzbek Students

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Jalilova Miray Rustambekovna, Allanyazov Marat Bakhavedinovich, Jumaniyazova Enajon Qutimovna, Duldulova Nigora Ashimovna, Meyliyeva Gulnoza Minggirovna


Assimilation is the ability to use or recognize vocabulary fluently in speech. Possession or mastery means knowing the level of skill. Simple cognition refers to the ability to memorize the meaning of a word or to recognize its form. The consequence of knowing is mastery, that is, the use of a unit of language in speech. Vocabulary control is done through direct speech activities, not through special inquiries. When speaking on a topic, reading / listening comprehension creates sufficient conditions to test the student's lexical skills.Despite the fact that the goal of studying a foreign language lexicon was to conduct speech, working on lexical units during the period of acquaintance (Presentation, Presentation) and exercise (training, activation) was the primary task, when going to the stage of application, speech serves as the primary, and lexical as the engine, that is, “building material”. Consequently, it is natural for lexical skills to be included in the composition of speech skills.

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Jalilova Miray Rustambekovna, Allanyazov Marat Bakhavedinovich, Jumaniyazova Enajon Qutimovna, Duldulova Nigora Ashimovna, Meyliyeva Gulnoza Minggirovna. (2021). Methods of Teaching English Language Vocabulary to the First-Year Uzbek Students. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(2), 394–406. Retrieved from