Isolation and Molecular Identification of Bacillus boroniphilus sp.nov., Isolated from Dishwasher

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Khansa Mohammed Younis, Ikhlas Ramadan Matter, Aisha W.AL- Omari


Although the dishwashers and specialized cleaning agents are designed to assure conditions for cleaning the inlet, the dishwasher itself may still be a reservoir of unwanted microbiota. In this study, we isolated and molecular identified two isolates ofBacillus boroniphilussp.nov., from domestic dishwashers. A total of 51 bacterial isolates were isolated from samples collected from six domestic old household dishwasher in Mosul/Iraq. The swab collecting, followed by bacterial cultivation and identification revealed that two isolates were belonged to a novel Bacillus species  Bacillusboroniphilussp.nov. and were designated as KAAI1 and KAAI2 isolated from drain water part and basket part respectively. The results of phylogenetic analyses showed that B.boroniphilus KAAI1and KAAI2 were most related to Bacillus sp. (GQ284386), Bacillus subterraneus (KT719820) based on the 16S RNA  genes tree. The two isolates demonstrated differences for Boron tolerance. For the ability to grow on free B different media, colonies growth were observed for KAAI1 isolate where’s no growth for KAAI2 isolate. The 16S rRNA gene of KAAI1and KAAI2 novel isolates were deposited in the GenBank database (NCBI) under the accession numbers (MW193122) and (MW193123) respectively. This study concluded that the two isolates belong to a novel species B. boroniphilusKAAI1and KAAI2is a boron-tolerant bacterium that also requires this element for its growth. Dishwashers environments with high temperatures and contained the element boron in varying quantities in a detergents, this features makes it an excellent candidate for being a model organism to investigate the boron-bacterium relationship using molecular and biochemical approaches.

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How to Cite
Khansa Mohammed Younis, Ikhlas Ramadan Matter, Aisha W.AL- Omari. (2021). Isolation and Molecular Identification of Bacillus boroniphilus sp.nov., Isolated from Dishwasher. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 5977–5992. Retrieved from