Analysis of Anatomy Information of T2 Weighted TSE Sequences between Fatsat and Dixon on Examination Mri Lumbal Case HNP of Axial Plane

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Dartini, Nur Khamidah, Siti Daryati


Background: Fat suppression is a method used to suprpress fat signal. Result of fat suppression are seen hypointense. Fatsat and dixon are fat suppression methods. Fat suppression in MRI Lumbal of HNP case in each literature uses different methods. According to Manann (2018), axial lumbar MRI examination uses fatsat T2W, whereas according to Wadhwa (2016) uses dixon T2W.This research to knowing the differences anatomy information and beter fat suppression methods on anatomy information T2 weighted TSE sequences between fatsat and dixon MRI lumbal examination HNP case of axialplane.

Methods: This research type is quantitative experimental. This research was conducted at the Radiology Installation of the RSUD Dr. Soedono Madiun in 10 patients. The data obtained were 100 images assessed by radiologists in the vertebral body, nerve root, epidural fat, annulus fibrosus and disc bulging. The results of the study were analyzed using SPSS Wilcoxon statistical test.

Result: The results showed that each anatomy has a ρ-value<0.05 and in the overall anatomy ρ-value is 0.032 (ρ-value <0.05) which indicates Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted which means there is a difference in information (assessment of each anatomy and overall anatomy ) information TSE sequences between fatsat and dixon lumbar MRI HNP cases of axial plane. Based on the mean rank value each anatomy, fatsat more clearly reveals the anatomy of nerve root and epidural fat, whereas dixon more clearly shows the vertebral corpus, annulus fibrosus and disc bulging. Based on the overall anatomy the mean rank fatsat value is 21.25, while dixon is 28.33.

Conclussions: there is a difference in anatomical image information of T2 Weighted TSE sequences Between fatsat and dixon on examination MRI lumbal case HNP of axial plane. T2 TSE dixon fat suppression is better than T2 TSE fatsat at anatomy information on TSE sequences lumbar MRI HNP cases of axial plane because it has a higher mean rankvalue.

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How to Cite
Dartini, Nur Khamidah, Siti Daryati. (2021). Analysis of Anatomy Information of T2 Weighted TSE Sequences between Fatsat and Dixon on Examination Mri Lumbal Case HNP of Axial Plane. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(2), 205–212. Retrieved from