“An Improved River Cleaning System”

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Kalyani Chandurkar, ParinayLavatre, Dr. Narendra Bawane


This project emphasis on design and fabrication of the river waste cleaning machine. The work has done looking at the current situation of our national rivers which are dump with crore liters of sewage and loaded with pollutants, toxic materials, debris etc. The government of India has taken charge to clean rivers and invest huge capital in many river .This project focuses on design and fabrication of the river waste cleaning machine. The work has done looking at thecurrent situation of our national rivers which are dump with core liters of sewage and loaded with pollutants, toxic materials, debrisDue to polluted water there are many skin diseases to human kind are observed. So that to reduce the water pollution we are trying to make water clean-up machine. “Water clean-up machine'' a machine which involves the removing the waste debris from water surface and safely dispose from the water body. Our proposed project uses special light weighted pipes,ultrasonic sensor ,turbidity sensor and water garbage waste storage box equipment’s to work as automatic water garbage cleaning system.

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How to Cite
Dr. Narendra Bawane, K. C. P. . (2021). “An Improved River Cleaning System”. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 333–339. Retrieved from https://www.annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/8923