Factors Associated with Anemia in Pregnant Women Attending Primary HealthCare Centers in Al – Hilla City

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AseelHafedh Jawad, Dr. Rusul Sabah Ghazal, Ishraq Ahmed chiad


Background: The assessment of risk factors for anemia in pregnant women is vital to the risk of health complications that may affect both the pregnant mother and the fetus, and at the same time prevention is possible.

Objectives: To assess the risk factors for anemia among pregnant women attending primary health care centers in Al-Hillacity, predict the variables that contribute to the risk factors for anemia among pregnant women and find out the relationship between risk factors for anemia and these variables.

Materials and Methods: A case control study design conducted on a convenient sample of (700) pregnant women include (350) pregnant women with anemia (case group) and (350) pregnant women do not suffer of anemia (control group)selected from 22 primary health care centers in Al-Hilla city (First Al-Hilla Sector (11)&Second Al-Hilla Sector (11) )during a period from 1st December 2020 ending on 30th May2021. The data were collected through the utilization of the developed questionnaire and by means of structured interview technique with the subjects who were individually interviewed in the primary health care center. Content validity and reliability of the questionnaire determined through a pilot study, descriptive and inferential statistic is used to analyze the data.

Result: the study showed that the highest percentage in case-control studies was (29.4% &32%) respectively their age range between (20-24) years, with regard to educational qualifications, the highest percentage (37.4%, 46%) were primary school graduates. And (77.4%, 84.3%) of housewives. Most pregnant women (80.6%, 81.1%) live in urban areas. (63.7% & 60.9%) were economically have enough income monthly from the point of view for both groups, the socio-economic status as the highest percentage (60.6% &66.3%) were of middle socio-economic level for both case study and control groups respectively. Also, the highest percentage of the study group was (54%) had mild anemia. housewives had 1.5 times risk of anemia during pregnancy (OR=1.564).women with heavy menses had 6.6 times risk of anemia during pregnancy (OR=6.631), primipara are protected from been anemic (OR=0.692), having one or more stillbirths have 2.8 times risk of being anemic during pregnancy (OR=2.847), having one or repeated abortion carry risk of 1.6 times to have anemia during pregnancy (OR=1.563), having twin pregnancy have 2.3 times risk of being anemic during pregnancy (OR=2.361) and short birth interval of less than 2 years carry risk of about 1.5 times for having anemia during pregnancy (OR=1.454).Pregnant women with history of previous operations (mainly Caesarean Section) were at risk of 2.4 times to have anemia during pregnancy (OR=2.38) and also risk if 21 times if she had a history of parasitic infections (intestinal worm and malaria) (OR=21.15).


Recommendations: establishing health education program regarding the enhances of pregnant women’s knowledge about effects of anemia during pregnancy and its prevention among mothers with low education, adolescent mothers and women of reproductive age in general. And teach women at child bearing age good long – term dietary habits as a part of an overall approach to health promotion.

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How to Cite
Ishraq Ahmed chiad, A. J. D. R. S. G. . (2021). Factors Associated with Anemia in Pregnant Women Attending Primary HealthCare Centers in Al – Hilla City. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), 16447–16460. Retrieved from https://www.annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/8890