Assessment of the Information of Polyclinic Doctors about the Principles of Rational Purposing of Medicines

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Khusinova Sh. A., Khakimova L. R., Ablakulova M. Kh., Yuldashova N. E.


Treatment of  a patient is one of the important tasks that a doctor solves every day, taking patients. And sometimes none of them (doctors) thinks about the process of prescribing medicines. At the same time, all educational materials were more focused on medicines and indications for use, on the side effects of various medicines. World practice shows that every doctor should be aware of  the latest developments in the field of drug therapy. Therefore, it is very important to correctly prescribe medicines. This is, in our opinion, an urgent public health problem. This study, conducted among practicing physicians, showed that they are not informed and do not know the principles of proper prescribing of medications, which leads to irrational treatment of patients.

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How to Cite
Khusinova Sh. A., Khakimova L. R., Ablakulova M. Kh., Yuldashova N. E. (2021). Assessment of the Information of Polyclinic Doctors about the Principles of Rational Purposing of Medicines. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 6576 –. Retrieved from