Knowledge of Paramedics towards Fighters Saving Lives in the Ground Forces Command

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Ali Harbi Ali, Khalida Mohammed Khudur


Methodology: : A descriptive design is conducted on paramedics, at Ground Forces Command; the period of the study started from (26th September 2020) to (15th April 2021) A Non-Probability (purposive sample) sample of 100 paramedics who were working in a number of units of the Ground Forces Command in Iraq was selected. A questionnaire was used to measure paramedic's knowledge. Data was collected through the use of a developer questionnaire (Arabic version) and the use of a structured interview technique with each paramedic as a method of data collection. Test-retest reliability of instrument was determined reliability coefficient for the pilot study Alpha Cronbach (α) for the reliability of questionnaire (Internal consistency). And content validity of the instrument validity was determined through a panel of (14) experts. Data were analyzed through the use Statistical Package of Social Science (SPSS) version 23, which included descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation); and inferential statistics (Contingency Coefficients (C.C.) test).

Results: The results of the study shows a summary statistics for "Paramedics' knowledge towards fighters lives saving at Ground Forces Command questionnaire ", which are consisting of (25) items, including close-ended questions (Yes and No) (9) answers, and (16) items multiple choice question (MCQ). The score of the total domain of participants’ knowledge was within moderate level.

Conclusions: The study concluded that the overall assessment of knowledge paramedics is moderate

Recommendations: The study recommends raising the level of proficiency for paramedics by increasing medical training courses and advanced courses.

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How to Cite
Ali Harbi Ali, Khalida Mohammed Khudur. (2021). Knowledge of Paramedics towards Fighters Saving Lives in the Ground Forces Command. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), 12286–12291. Retrieved from