A Comparative Histomorphological and Histochemical Study of the Proventriculus between Iraqi Male Guinea fowls

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Iman Mousa Khaleel, Muhammed Senan Hasan, Khalid Ibrahim Abd. Alkhazraji


The current study aimed to describeand compare thehistomorphological and histochemical structure of  proventriculusin  local Guinea fowls and Geese. In this study twenty four, healthy birds are used, obtained from local supplier at Baghdad province. Studied birds are divided into two equal groups(12) from each species and each one include(6 male and 6 female), each group was used  for  histological and histochemical approaches. After euthanasia,suitable size of specimens of its wall fixed in (10%) neutral buffered formalin for histological staining and others fixed in Bouin’s solution for histochemical stains then processed in routine histological procedure, using the Hematoxylin-Eosin, Masson Trichrome, Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) and  Combined PAS-Alcian Blue (pH 2.5) stains.

The results showed the general histological structure of proventriculus in studied birds were similar,bothproventriculus wall composed of mucosa, submucosa, muscularis and serosa, but with some morphometrical differences in its wall. Mucosa lined by simple columnar cells presents a numerous folds and superficial simple tubular glands. The thicksubmucosa predominantly constituted by voluminous and numerous  deep submucosal glands, a compound tubular glands which organized in pyramidal or conical shape structures (adenomere). A thick tunica muscularis of smooth muscle oriented in an inner  longitudinal layer and  an outer circular layer.Serosa structured from  loose connective tissue coated by mesothelium.

   The histochemical findingsin both studied birds provintriculus showed the surface lining columnar cells  of mucosal folds luminal borders of mucosal glands,  positively reacted with (PAS) stain, while the submucosal glandular epithelium showed negative reaction, cells lining the luminal borders of  submucosal glands and their ducts gave a positive reaction apically. On applying PAS -AB(PH 2.5) stain, surface cells of  mucosal folds, tubular mucosal glands and cells lining the luminal adenomers, collecting and excretory ducts of submucosal glands  gives appositive reaction for PAS part of this technique,  While the secretory cells of  submucosal glands revealed negative reaction for this stain.

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How to Cite
Iman Mousa Khaleel, Muhammed Senan Hasan, Khalid Ibrahim Abd. Alkhazraji. (2021). A Comparative Histomorphological and Histochemical Study of the Proventriculus between Iraqi Male Guinea fowls. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 6062–6072. Retrieved from https://www.annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/770