Response of Apricot Transplants to Organic Fertilizers Application

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Bilal M.K. Almashhadani,, Shamil M. Abbood and Mohammed S. Hameed


This study was conducted in private orchard in Baghdad province, during 2020 growing season to investigate the influence of organic fertilizers on growth and leaf mineral content of three year's old trees of “Qaisi” apricot transplants. This study included two factors: three levels of poultry manure, 0 (P0), 125g.tree-1 (P125) and 250g.tree-1 (P250) and four levels of liquid organic fertilizer (Vit –org), without adding (V0) , 20 ml.tree-1 (V20) , 40 ml.tree-1 (V40) and 60 ml.tree-1 (V60) and their interaction. Treatments were replicated three times (three transplants in experimental unit) at factorial experiment in a RCBD. The number of transplants used was 108 transplants. The results showed that, poultry manure at 250 gm.Transplant-1(P250) significantly increased in transplant height of 12.86 cm and highest leaves number of 396.00 leaf.plant-1 and highest leaf chlorophyll content of 67.71 SPAD unit and leaf nitrogen content of 1.218 % and leaf potassium content of 1.638 %. Results also showed that liquid organic fertilizer (Vit –org) at 60 ml.tree-1 (V60) gave the highest increased in transplant height of 13.37 cm and highest leaf dry weight of 31.11 % and highest leaf nitrogen content of 1.186 % and highest leaf zinc content of 14.18

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How to Cite
Bilal M.K. Almashhadani, Shamil M. Abbood and Mohammed S. Hameed. (2021). Response of Apricot Transplants to Organic Fertilizers Application. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), 10196–10202. Retrieved from