Eleveted Vaspin Level S in Diabetic Nephropathy

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Hiammohammedsalih, Mohammed I. Hamzah, Shahed Hameed Idan


Background: Chr0nic kidney disease “CKD” patients have insulin secreti0n dis0rders and resistance to insulin effects, that is resp0nsible for the devel0pment of cardi0vascular proceedings. Vaspin is an adip0cyt0kine that regulates gluc0se and lipid metab0lism. We aimed t0 determine the serum vaspin levels and its relati0nship with insulin resistance in “CKD”patient’s. Objective: To assessvaspin levels in diabetic nephropathy and find the possibility of use vaspin in diagnosis (DN). Patients and Meth0ds:In this studygr0ups,serum vaspin levels,and r0utine bl00d tests were measured. C0nduct with 120 patients and 60control.The patients divided int0 three gr0ups: (n=60) diabetic patients , (n=60) diabetic nephropathy, and number of control (n=60). The serum vaspin levels were tested by the enzyme-linked immune s0rbent assay(ELISA). Result: The results were compared with healthy groups. In this present study, observed that the mean age of patients with diabetic patintes was (45.05±13.09years,).with diabetic nephropathy( 52.47±11.15years), and in the control (43.01±12.77 years).The serum vaspin were 0bserved significantly high in the diabetic patient and diabetic nephropathy gr0ups in contrast with the control gr0ups.The female predominance in three groups, female to male ratio was (2:1), where18(30.00%) of patients were male and 42(70.00%)were female in diabetic groups. where23(38.30%) of patients were male and 42(70.00%)were 37(61.70%)female in diabetic nephropathy groups .The mean of Vaspin in diabetic patient groups and in diabetic nephropathy groups and control groups are 464.10±198.01, 563.98±100.12,and140.96±33.36 pg/ml. vaspinwas increase in patients with diabetic patients. The serum vaspin level was negative c0rrelated with the fasting plasma gluc0se with0ut statistical significance.
Conclusi0n:“Diabetic nephr0pathy” patients presented a significant increased levels of serum Vaspin when compared to levels to control, serum Vaspin are protective roles.We c0nsider that the rise in the serum vaspin level is a c0nsequence of the reduced renal excreti0n in the (CKD) and increases in resp0nse t0 insulin resistance.

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How to Cite
Hiammohammedsalih, Mohammed I. Hamzah, Shahed Hameed Idan. (2021). Eleveted Vaspin Level S in Diabetic Nephropathy. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), 8362–8374. Retrieved from https://www.annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/7029