The Impact of New Technologies in Urban Space

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Rusul Mohamed hasan,Dr. Shatha. A. Hasan, AihamNafeaYaseenAlkubaisi


The world today lives in the age of information technology, and the impact of this event was and still is on all axes of life, and among the axes that have been affected by modern technology is the urban space, so the diversity has become very clear through the choice of building materials, the expansion of garages, methods of construction and their succession in indefinite forms. With the acceleration of the urban renaissance and the use of the means of technology and access to information has become accessible to everyone and very quickly, which requires speed in the performance of work to synchronize the development in the technology of urban space and determine the mechanism to use it to ensure its use in the art of architecture and architectural thought.

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How to Cite
AihamNafeaYaseenAlkubaisi, R. M. hasan,Dr. S. A. H. . (2021). The Impact of New Technologies in Urban Space. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), 7358–7371. Retrieved from