Evaluation of Parents' Burden of Care among Children with Mental Retardation in Karbala City

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Alya K. Abas, Ridha. M. Lefta


Background:The Mental retardation (MR) is a general neurodevelopmental disorder seen as meaningfully reduction of  intellectual and adaptive effect. It is called intellectual developmental impairment (IDI), general learning impairment, or Intellectual disability.

Objectives:To determine of parents burden of care among children with mental retardation in and to find out the relationship between level parents burden of care among children with mental retardation and their demographic data.

Material and Design of the study:

A cross sectional study design was carried out of the study to achieve this study throughdetermine  of parents burden of care among children with mental retardation in and to find out the relationship between level parents burden of care among children with mental retardation and their demographic data. A total of study subject are 90 parents (40 are mother and 50 are father)  attending  for out clinic  in Karbala city were selected by purposive sample for the study.

Results: The study results indicate that the majority of both mother and father are (40-49) years old within age group. In addition, the study results indicate that both mothers and fathers are primary school graduated (27.5%) and (40%)respectively, (75%) of mothers are house wife, (36%) of fathers' occupation is private job. Regarding to burden parents are  (45.6%) of the parents are exhibit high burdens due to the handicap among their children.


The conclusion most of the study participantsof burden for both mother and father are at age group (40-49) years old.There are non-significant differences between parents burden and child gender. Regarding levels of education the burden found in read and write levels are more than others. Regarding to monthly income, the most parents have low income, and it has relation to the burden. According to who is care for the child, the most are mothers. The study concludes most of parents suffer from burden due to have child with mental retardation.



Educate the parents about the psychological effects and it's negatively impacts on their lives to face all kinds of difficult conditions in which they live from the children.The study is recommended that future researches should be directed towards exploring psychological intervention factors which help to minimize the burden on parents of children with mental retardation. Constructing a special program for children performing at home and in the institute in cooperation with parents

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How to Cite
Alya K. Abas, Ridha. M. Lefta. (2021). Evaluation of Parents’ Burden of Care among Children with Mental Retardation in Karbala City. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), 7213–7222. Retrieved from https://www.annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/6842