Classification of Speech Act Prosses in Foreign Language

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Kuchiboev Mansur Abdumurotovich, Buriyeva Sora Salakhitdinovna, Feruza Ergashevna.


The article discusses the classification of speech act processes in foreign language teaching based on the examples of several linguists. The objectives of teaching or “communicative behavior in speech - the goals of actions, the direct connection of the content of the speech act with the material of the studied language can be realized using methodological methods, the theory of speech situations express the main idea of the speech effect of thought, there are a few examples.

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How to Cite
Feruza Ergashevna., K. M. A. B. S. S. . (2021). Classification of Speech Act Prosses in Foreign Language. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), 6942–6949. Retrieved from