Marketing Research of Medicines Used in Urinary Infectious Diseases

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Xidoyatova Zulfiya Sharifovna, Azimova Munira Taxirovna, Nazirova Dilafruz Akmalovna, Shaakhmedova Nodira Askarjanovna, Azimova Nozima Akramovna, Urunova Iroda Isroilqizi


In any case of urethritis, sexually transmitted diseases (trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, etc.) should be ruled out by analysis. Urethroscopy is performed according to the indications. Urinary tract treatment is usually performed on an outpatient basis (at home). Drugs are prescribed depending on the etiology of the disease. In non-specific urethritis, doctors recommend a diet, wash the urinary tract with antibacterial drugs, and prescribe oral antibiotics. In the treatment of specific urethritis, in addition to antibacterial drugs, immunomodulators are used, the choice of which depends on bacteriological analysis. In chronic urethritis, phytopreparations, medicines made from medicinal plants, are more effective.

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Xidoyatova Zulfiya Sharifovna, Azimova Munira Taxirovna, Nazirova Dilafruz Akmalovna, Shaakhmedova Nodira Askarjanovna, Azimova Nozima Akramovna, Urunova Iroda Isroilqizi. (2021). Marketing Research of Medicines Used in Urinary Infectious Diseases. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 5177–5180. Retrieved from