Effect of Format Model (4MAT) in Learning Some Basic Basketball Skills for Second-Grade Students and Their Cognitive Achievement

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Ali Abdulaaima Kadhim Alsaedi, Dhafer Namoos AL-Taie, Mazin Abdulaaima Kadhim Alsaedi


For the purpose of achieving the aim of the research by identifying the effect of the format model (4MAT) Learn some of the basic skills of basketball for students second grade average and achievement of cognitive researchers used the experimental method on a sample of 30 students from the second grade average martyrs ISLAM m for boys , and after the experiment and processing data obtained by the researchers,  found a the most important conclusions, including : The use of the FORMAT model had a positive effect in learning basic skills in basketball and increasing cognitive achievement among the members of the experimental group . There are differences data in the study variables and tribal posteriori tests for the experimental and control groups in favor of the choice’s dimensionality. There are differences in data significant variables in the study tests posteriori experimental and control groups and the good experimental group. It recommends the following: the need for long grows up educational format in teaching the basic skills of games difference intermediate stage, and also emphasizes the cognitive side and conducting similar studies using the form model on other sports games and for other school stages.  

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How to Cite
Mazin Abdulaaima Kadhim Alsaedi, A. A. K. A. D. N. A.-T. (2021). Effect of Format Model (4MAT) in Learning Some Basic Basketball Skills for Second-Grade Students and Their Cognitive Achievement. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 5484–5491. Retrieved from https://www.annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/6494