High Fat High Fructose Diet Elevates Plasma Level of HMGB1 Due to Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)

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Rita Rosita, Yuyun Yueniwati, Edy Widjayanto, Moch.Aries Widodo, Dian Handayani, Agustina Tri Endharti


High fat and high fructose diet (HFHFD) gave a special impact on lipid and carbohydrate metabolism on liver. We investigated the impact of consumption of fructose, in combination fatty food, on the onset of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) and plasma HMGB1 level as a biomarker of necrotic cells. High fat high fructose diet (HFHFD) was compared to rats fed with normal diet for 17 weeks to induce macrovesicularhepatosteatosis attributable to NAFLD. Weights were measured 10 times over a 4-month period. Plasma HMGB1 level as necrotic parameter was studied by ELISA. At the end of the experiment, HFHFD group gained significantly more weight than the control group. Contrary to fat intake, fructose did not lead to increased weight.  However, addition of fructose to the diet increases the number of hepatosteatosis and relates with plasma HMGB1 level elevation.  We conclude that fat and high fructose diet induced non-alcoholic fatty liver. We also demonstrated that histologic findings on liver strongly related with the elevation of plasma HMGB1 level as biomarker of necrotic.

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How to Cite
Rita Rosita, Yuyun Yueniwati, Edy Widjayanto, Moch.Aries Widodo, Dian Handayani, Agustina Tri Endharti. (2021). High Fat High Fructose Diet Elevates Plasma Level of HMGB1 Due to Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 5089–5095. Retrieved from https://www.annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/6297