Design Analysis and Fabrication of Multi-Purpose Shovel

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T. Mohan, P. Gajendran, S. Sheik Barkath, S. Gopalakrishnan


The present innovation is to create a shovel which works on different soil conditions and to increase the overall yield, can also reducing the time consumption directly. Generally, the agricultural shovel is used for making weed control, water irrigation and bund forming purposes. The standardized size of spade will not be suitable for every farmer and every land condition due to packing of soil, uneven height and other parameters. So, the normal shovel failed to have the flexible features and not suitable for all the farmers requirements to work efficiently. Therefore, there is a need to introduce a shovel for changing the spade metal head or blade angle easily to carry out the work in the effective manner and also the wooden handle should be replaced with a correct substitute.

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How to Cite
T. Mohan, P. Gajendran, S. Sheik Barkath, S. Gopalakrishnan. (2021). Design Analysis and Fabrication of Multi-Purpose Shovel. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), 4494–4500. Retrieved from