Migration Flyways and Geese Abundance in Central Siberia

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Savchenko Alexander Petrovich, Emelyanov Vladimir Ivanovich, Savchenko Peter Alexandrovich


Observations of geese (Anser) abundance and migration in Central Siberia are especially relevant for international scientists due to the lack of objective data on this topic in English literature. The goal of this paper is to summarize the results of a long-term study (1980-2016) on geese in Central Siberia and to describe their migration routes in Continental Asia. The authors used a methodological complex comprising visual and instrumental observations at staging sites and along geese migration routes, registration of birds on the ground (travelling on foot, by boat or by car) and in the air (using aircraft). To clarify the subspecies, the authors performed banding of nesting geese in the Altai-Sayan Ecoregion (heads, wings, legs, n = 1032 units). They also analyzed scientific data available and reports on returns of rings from the Ringing Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as information from hunters and environmental specialists. In springtime between 51˚N and 56˚N, northern geese make a long stop (45-50 days) before flying further to nesting grounds; the places and dates of maximum geese concentration and the time of their departure are quite permanent which made it possible to carry out their definite registration using aircraft (25.5 thousand km). The works at each of the sites were performed annually with obligatory inclusion of the period of bird maximum concentration: May 9-15 (± 3 days) and October 7-15 (± 3 days). Out of 1732.3 thousand geese inhabiting Central Siberia, only 106.85 thousand (or 6.2% of the total number) winter in Asia; the Great Lakes Depression in Mongolia is a “migration dead end” for a great number of waterfowl in spring. The material contained in the paper can be used for the purpose of geese conservation and prevention of diseases associated with the spread of influenza A virus.

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How to Cite
Savchenko Alexander Petrovich, Emelyanov Vladimir Ivanovich, Savchenko Peter Alexandrovich. (2021). Migration Flyways and Geese Abundance in Central Siberia. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 4681–4695. Retrieved from https://www.annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/613