The Place, Role and Pedagogical Ability of the Leader in the Management of Educational Institutions

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KhudoykulovKholJumaevich, ParmonovAliboyErgashovich, AkhmedovIkromali


The content of this article publishes the development of the national idea and worldview in the process of spiritual and moral education in the younger generation. The article shows that theoretically, the participants in the process of upbringing the "perfect generation", all citizens of the country should not only deeply comprehend, but also realize the complexity and versatility of the concept of "harmoniously developed generation". The formation of spiritual and moral qualities in the younger generation and schoolchildren in extracurricular work will be more effective if extracurricular work is carried out on the basis of the author's program for the formation of spiritual and moral qualities in the younger generation and schoolchildren

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How to Cite
AkhmedovIkromali, K. P. . (2021). The Place, Role and Pedagogical Ability of the Leader in the Management of Educational Institutions. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), 2795–2803. Retrieved from