2D Vs 3D Imaging In Endodontics-A Review

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Radiographic imaging is a preliminary and necessary phase in the diagnosis, treatment preparation, and follow-up in all endodontic patients. Several confounding considerations affect the perception, including the morphology and superimposition of the teeth, as well as the surrounding dentoalveolar structures. Because of the size of the maxillofacial skeleton, traditional two-dimensional (2-D) radiographic photographs tend to provide detailed detail about the area of interest. The superimposition of images in planar periapical radiography reveals only a small amount of detail about a three-dimensional (3-D) object. Geometric distortion affects the forms visualized in this manner. As a result, recent research has emphasized the importance of 3-D imaging in overcoming the possible shortcomings of traditional radiography. Health-related One of the first three-dimensional imaging devices was computed tomography (CT). It has had modest success in the area of endodontics over the last decade. With the introduction of cone beam computed tomography, imaging modalities entered a new age (CBCT). Contemporary endodontics emphasizes the importance of CBCT because it reduces radiation sensitivity and quickly produces 3D restored photographs that have been shown to be reliable. This paper examines the advantages of three-dimensional radiographic technology over traditional two-dimensional imaging systems, as well as their possible disadvantages.

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How to Cite
SINDHU RAMESH, A. S. . (2021). 2D Vs 3D Imaging In Endodontics-A Review. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), 1541–1549. Retrieved from https://www.annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/5680