Blockchain for Giving Individual Hub Control Over Their Databases

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P. Naveen, P. Sivakumar


With the development of new digital products, software updates, integrating one platform through different devices, services, tools, we do face severe data breach in internet. Even the most secure firewall has been breached and data being modified. Today because of the development in artificial intelligence, few applications are partially controlled by system like suggestions for the page we view. If those data are breached and modified, then the entire system will suggest incorrect data. The entire global has faced some terrorists attack every now and then. Apart from this, illegal entry of criminals into unauthorized locations where people are using fake ID and getting into the current system. Now a days we are giving authorization for criminals to get into system by looking into the fake ID or verifying in a database. But criminals are fair enough to breach the database which is not that much secure. Because the existing system is centralized, not secure and reliable.  Here we proposed a system based on hyperledger fabric approach to providing secure, immutable, reliable, decentralized, and palpable control over their database records. The proposed system employs decentralized storage of database system and trusted way of transaction to create, issue and revoke the data in the system. Here we evaluate the proposed smart contract metrics through latency, throughput and block time.

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How to Cite
P. Naveen, P. Sivakumar. (2021). Blockchain for Giving Individual Hub Control Over Their Databases. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 4339–4352. Retrieved from