Agroforestry Program a Strategy for Development of Upland Dwellers in Region XII, Philippines

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Aileen D. Tacbalan


This study aimed to assess the respondents’ perception on the level of effectiveness and impact of agroforestry program in Region XII, Philippines. Survey instrument was used to a total of 250 respondents’ randomly selected. Data were examined using descriptive statistics. Results revealed that perception of agroforestry was agreed and effectiveness of agroforestry was effective to socio-economic upliftment and very effective to restoration of the degraded upland areas. Impact of agroforestry to soil and water conservation, increased income and conservation of remaining natural resources was effective, protection of remaining natural resources and regeneration of the degraded upland areas was very effective. Socio-demographic found not significant their perception on concept of agroforestry. Number of years involved, average size and model of agroforestry found as significant predictors in policy and management strategies. Number of years involved in agroforestry significantly influenced the components of agroforestry. Socio-demographic on the effectiveness of agroforestry significantly influenced the number of years involved in agroforestry in socio-economic upliftment. Number of years involved in agroforestry, average size and model of agroforestry significantly influenced the effectiveness of agroforestry in terms of restoration of the degraded upland areas. Perception of agroforestry on its impact significantly influenced to conserve soil and water and protect the remaining natural resources. Perception of agroforestry significantly influenced its impact to increased income, conservation of remaining natural resources and regeneration of degraded upland areas. Effectiveness of agroforestry significantly influenced the impact of agroforestry to soil and water conservation, increased income, protection of remaining natural resources, conservation of remaining natural resources and regeneration of degraded upland areas.

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How to Cite
Aileen D. Tacbalan. (2021). Agroforestry Program a Strategy for Development of Upland Dwellers in Region XII, Philippines. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), 459 –. Retrieved from