Smart Shopping Trolley Using RFID

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Dr. S. Deepa, Asmitha P., Harinisha K., Rithika P., Vanitha K.


Nowadays shopping is an easy thing, but waiting in line at a store is not.A bill counter makes it an arduous and boring job. The combination of a rush and the cashier preparing the total bill with a barcode scanner needs more time, which causes very long queues. This smart project consists of an automated billing device that can be integrated into a shopping trolley. A RFID reader is used in this automated billing system, which was controlled using Arduino. As a Consequence, whenever the customer places some product in the cart, The EM-18 RFID module detects the item  and then displays  price of the item on  LCD.when the customer keeps on adding the  items, the module detects them all, and the value increases accordingly. If the customer modifies their mind and they don't want a product to add to their trolley, they may remove it, and then the price added would be automatically deducted. When the buyer clicks the button at the last of the purchasing process, the items will be added along with the prices of the items,then include the total price  to be charged. Then the  shopkeeper will use a mastercard to verify  the products  purchased at the end for verification. As a consequence, this device which  is an appropriate tool to use in places like supermarkets, as it can aid in manpower reduction and contributes to a much better shopping experience for customers.

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How to Cite
Dr. S. Deepa, Asmitha P., Harinisha K., Rithika P., Vanitha K. (2021). Smart Shopping Trolley Using RFID. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 3647–3655. Retrieved from