Sub Endometrial Doppler Flow in Spontaneous and Clomiphene Citrate Stimulated Cycle

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Dr. Tanvi Chaurasia et al.


Background: Anovulation is the most common etiological factor responsible for female infertility. Clomiphene citrate is one of the widely practiced induction method for ovulation induction, however the efficacy of treatment is limited. One of the hypothesis is that with Clomiphene citrate treatment, endometrial receptivity may be decreased despite good follicle count. There is a major difference in uterine perfusion between spontaneous and clomiphene citrateinduced cycle ofwomen with infertility.

Objectives: Primary objective of the research is the assessment of the sub endometrial doppler flow changes in spontaneous cycleand sub endometrial flow in clomiphene citrate induced cycle.

Methodology:There will be two groups of women, one group  stimulated by clomiphene citrate and there will be no stimulationfor other group of women. For ovulation induction 50 women will be administered placebo multivitamin tablet and for other 50 women will be given 100mg of clomiphene citrate  given from day 3 of LMP to day 7.Folliculometry is performed on day 10 of the cycle ,when follicles are greater than 17 mm,human chorionic gonadotropin 5000IU intramuscular injection will be given,after this endometrial doppler will be done to see zonal flow in different zones of endometrium , and also endometrial perfusion,pulsatility index and resistance index, and vascular impedance in uterine arteries .

Results: Sub-endometrial flow changeswill be observed in four endometrial areas.

Conclusion:The purpose of this research is to evaluate subendometrial doppler flowchanges of endometrium in spontaneous cycleas compared to  endometrium of  clomiphene citrate stimulated cycle .

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How to Cite
et al., D. T. C. (2021). Sub Endometrial Doppler Flow in Spontaneous and Clomiphene Citrate Stimulated Cycle. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 3247–3255. Retrieved from