Alteration in Mechanics of Overhead Squat with Wedge

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Khushboo Bathia, Fiddy Davis, Prachiti Bhore


Background:  Altered or poor mechanics of movement creates tissue damage and stress leading to overuse injuries. It was observed that athletes with muscle imbalance had decreased playing performance and were at risk for injuries. Tight post chain structures could probably lead to altered mechanics of the overhead squat.

Aim: To know whether giving a wedge beneath the heels partly nullifies the tightness in the posterior chain and improves the mechanics of the overhead squat.

Methods: 30 collegiate male athletes from cricket, football and basketball were taken with a mean age of (21.37 + 2.34) years. All of them performed five overhead squats with and without a two inch wooden wedge kept beneath the heels.

Results:  We found shoulder flexion to improve by 3.27⁰ (+ 7. 79⁰) with the presence of a two inch wedge. Statistically significant (p = 0.024) difference was noted in shoulder flexion (46.32+ 9.58), Hip flexion (98.88+ 17.43) and (p= 0.0002), Knee flexion (114.27+ 21.79) and (p= 0.006), Ankle dorsiflexion (46.32+ 9.58) and (p= <0.0001) and the results were statistically significant.

Conclusion: Based on our results, there was an increase in the range available for dorsiflexion at the ankle with the use of two inch wedge resulted in following kinematic changes: decreased shoulder flexion, increased knee flexion and increased hip flexion. The significant change in hip flexion after the use of wedge can be attributed to the shift in the center of gravity entirely.

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How to Cite
Khushboo Bathia, Fiddy Davis, Prachiti Bhore. (2021). Alteration in Mechanics of Overhead Squat with Wedge. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 11962–11967. Retrieved from