Cutaneous Mycoses among Diabetes Patients

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Hussein Al-Nasrawi


There are few studies dealing with the spread of cutaneous mycoses associated with different parts of human body , exclusively the infections by types of Tinea .The perfect ecological nichefor inhabiting dermatophytes is human body specially folds of the skin which provided physical factors for growth of medical fungi .Dermatophytes are widely spread among patients who suffer from immunodeficiency ,tissue transplant , cancer patients take chemical drugs, in addition to diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2 patients

The present study investigated skin fungal infections in the different parts of human body   exclusively focus on Tinea infections among diabetics in Iraq . 80 samples were taken from patients suffering from diabetes mellitus type 1and 50 patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 ,admitted to Mysan diabetes center in Mysanprovince - Iraq during 2019 . Scraps of infected skin were  taken from infected areas of the patient bodies , divided in to cohorts , first one examined directly under light microscope and the second were cultured on fungal culture medium SabouraudDextrose agar (SDA) . 100 samples were also taken from control group ( people without diabetes ) . Results of the present study revealed infections among 20% ofpatients with diabetes mellitus Type 1 and 60% with diabetes mellitus Type 2 whereas only 1% with control group .

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How to Cite
Hussein Al-Nasrawi. (2021). Cutaneous Mycoses among Diabetes Patients. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 10949–10956. Retrieved from