Identify the Reality of Innovative Leadership of the Heads for First-Class Football Clubs in Iraq

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Falah Abdal Hassan Yousef Al Kalabi , Prof. Dr. Dhyaa Jabir Mohammed


The importance of the study lies in the fact that there are terms and concepts associated with innovation and overlapping, including creativity, which distinguishes between them many management scholars .         As for the research problem, through the researcher's work, he noticed insufficient attention to what is known as innovative leadership for administrative leaders, especially in sports clubs participating in the first-class football league. With her, as well as motivating the team working with him to confront it and reach accurate decision-making, the human resources management in sports clubs participating in the first-class football league does not rise to the inspiration of ambition compared to neighboring countries in terms of the administrative performance of club heads. Therefore, it is necessary to know an evaluation of the innovation process in the work of the heads of these clubs, positively or negatively.         The research aims to identify the reality of the innovative leadership of the heads of first-class football clubs in Iraq. The researcher used the descriptive approach in the survey method and the correlational relations for its suitability and the nature of the research. The research sample was chosen by a simple random method and it included (210) coaches from the coaches of clubs participating in the League of Class Club the first class  of football and for all groups of those who have training certificates, The researcher concluded the effectiveness of the innovative leadership measure in measuring the purpose for which it was prepared, which is to identify the innovative leadership of the heads of first-class football clubs, the presidents of first-class football clubs possess innovative leadership that qualifies them to lead their clubs and then reach the achievement of the previously planned goals.         Through the findings of the study, the researchers recommend engaging the heads of first-class football clubs in developmental courses inside and outside the country to develop their administrative capabilities and inform them of everything new in the science of sports management, develop self-abilities and pay attention to aspects of innovative leadership and administrative performance because they have a great role in raising the level of clubs From an administrative and technical point of view, and the necessity to conduct similar studies for other sporting events.

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How to Cite
Falah Abdal Hassan Yousef Al Kalabi , Prof. Dr. Dhyaa Jabir Mohammed. (2021). Identify the Reality of Innovative Leadership of the Heads for First-Class Football Clubs in Iraq. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 10471–10478. Retrieved from