Anatomical Study to the Vegetative Part of Two Variety of Species Mirabilis Jalapa (Nyctaginaceae) in Iraq

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Neepal Imtair Al-garaawi , Aliaa M. Ali, Nidaa A. Abu-Serag


The Anatomical characters of leaves and stem was studied to two variety with pink flower and yellow flower belong to the species Mirabilis jalapa from the family Nyctaginaceae and many characters of the leaves and stem epidermis and transvers section of the stem was usful to separate between the varieties, especially the qualitative characters, like the indumentum type and distribution ,the shape of crystal bundles ,type of stomata It was record the actinocytic type in variety with yellow flower while the anomocytic type found in variety with  pink flower stem epidermis ,in transvers section of the stem the vascular bundles was variable between the varieties ,so the quantitative characters was usful to separate between the varieties like  diameter and numbers  of epidermal cell in leaves and stem ,diameter of  stomata and the numbers ,diameter of stem tissues like phloem ,xylem ,chlorenchyma ,collenchyma ,and the diameter of vascular bundles.   

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How to Cite
Neepal Imtair Al-garaawi , Aliaa M. Ali, Nidaa A. Abu-Serag. (2021). Anatomical Study to the Vegetative Part of Two Variety of Species Mirabilis Jalapa (Nyctaginaceae) in Iraq . Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 10421–10440. Retrieved from