Quantitative Assessment of Stress Adaptation of Experimental Animals to Field Exposure Based on the Entropy Approach

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Khudoykulova Shoira Narzullayevna, Laptev Dmitry Sergeevich, Yegorkina Svetlana Borisovna, Stepanov Vladimir Aleksandrovich, Belykh Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich


Aim and Objective: This article reveals of the work which was devoted to studying the changes in corneal tissues and stress ad­aptation of laboratory rats with different resistance to the effects of a rotating electric field with 10 and 20 days of exposure. The adaptation of laboratory animals to the effect of a rotating electric field leads to new energy-informational levels in the structure of corneal tissues in the form of subsystems of survival, which are revealed using multifractal parameters.

Method: The limiting adaptability of an animal with a stable psychotype is higher than that of an unstable or ambivalent animal. Estimates of the limits of stress resistance of rats with different psychotype to the influence of an electric field were obtained.

Result: Three mechanisms of adaptation of the structure of corneal tissues under the influence of a field on an animal concern­ing the sign of the health of the functioning of the organism “norm of chaos” were revealed: - an acute stress state, as in an equilibrium unstable state with increased reproduction of entropy (ΔH> 0), due to additional energy costs for maintaining the equilibrium of the system (informational entropy D1 is higher than the “norm of chaos”); –Adaptation without signs of pathology as in a non-equilibrium steady state ΔH = 0 (informational entropy D1 is close to the “norm of randomness”); - chronic, i.e. stable nonequilibrium state ΔH <0 (informational entropy D1 is lower than the “norm of chaos”).

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How to Cite
Khudoykulova Shoira Narzullayevna, Laptev Dmitry Sergeevich, Yegorkina Svetlana Borisovna, Stepanov Vladimir Aleksandrovich, Belykh Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich. (2021). Quantitative Assessment of Stress Adaptation of Experimental Animals to Field Exposure Based on the Entropy Approach. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 9306–9316. Retrieved from https://www.annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/3670