Non Destructive Testing of Milk adulteration using Ultrasound

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Tony George,Jeno Paul,Emmanuel Babu Pukkunnen, Sagayaraj .R,Gomathy.S, Mahendran .K


A non-destructive testing setup is developed using a 1 MHz ultrasonic transducer and tested for identifying the adulteration in milk. For this study we have used water, urea and sugar as adulterants. Ultrasonic velocity is measured for samples prepared with adulterants in milk. It is shown that ultrasonic velocity is varying with adulteration.  Ultrasonic velocity obtained for pure milk, milk + 10% water + .25g/10ml of sugar and milk + 10% water + .25g/10ml of urea are 1522 m/s, 1527 m/s and 1529 m/s, respectively. The ultrasonic velocity of milk adulterated with sugar and urea shows higher ultrasonic velocity than pure milk with the same density values. This method can be used for online monitoring the quality of milk the in a large scale to avoid adulteration of milk.

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How to Cite
Tony George,Jeno Paul,Emmanuel Babu Pukkunnen, Sagayaraj .R,Gomathy.S, Mahendran .K. (2021). Non Destructive Testing of Milk adulteration using Ultrasound. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 8912–8919. Retrieved from