Smart Learning for Toddlers

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Santhosh S, Sakthivel M S, Saravanan M, ThangarajP


The current level of expansion in technology is Augmented reality, which is enhancing the interactivity and media content of the web and increasing the quality of delivery. Here, we use this technology to improve the learning ability to  child. .The main concept of  the project is to increase the learning capability of the child to an advanced method. For Example if a child needs to learn a alphabet it will be display a object in a virtual mode which is displayed by using a Augmented reality process. To develop this use the unity engine, sketch up 3d pro, vuforia for this project .To do this should have the installed unity engine to create a file .After creating a database in vuforiawebsite,it should be connected with the unity engine. Then need to upload the platform where we have to display the 3d model into unity engine. By using  cameratool,we can display the 3D module including Price and Expiry date linked to the platform. Atlast it should be developed as an APK.

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How to Cite
Santhosh S, Sakthivel M S, Saravanan M, ThangarajP. (2021). Smart Learning for Toddlers. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 7934 –. Retrieved from