Assessment of the Dermatological Index of the Symptom Scale in Patients with Seborrheic Dermatitis and Opportunistic Infection Based On the Use of Natural Silicon Oxide

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Mavlyanova Shaxnoza Zakirovna, Shukurov Ixlosjon Boltayevich, Yahshiyeva Malohat Farmonovna


The article presents the results of the external treatment of seborrheic dermatitis using moisturizing, tonic, silicon-salicylic cream - "Fatisalik". Clinical studies have shown that Fatisalik cream helps to reduce the severity of the dermatological scale of symptoms, eliminate subjective sensations, and improve the dynamics of the skin-pathological process.

In dermatological practice, there is an increasing trend in allergic skin diseases with chronic, often recurring and resistant forms of the clinical course. [1,2,8,10] The etiopathogenesis of these allergic skin diseases is due to opportunistic infections caused by staphylococcus spp., Candida spp. and infections caused by Herpes simplex virus. [3,4,8,9,10,17] According to studies, peptidoglycan of the cell wall of St.aureus, when this microorganism colonizes the skin of patients with atopic dermatitis, induces atopic keratinocyte production of inflammatory mediators and cytokines, including GM-CSF, in the lesions. Moreover, dysfunction of a specific toll-like receptor, TLR2, can cause staphylococcal persistence in patients with allergic dermatoses as a result of impaired induction of antimicrobial peptides by the example of beta-defensin - 2. [18]

According to Ginzburg A.L., Ilyina T.S. et al. (2003), in the metabolic processes of microorganisms and their ability to form biofilms, micronutrients are of great importance. [6] Iron is an important trace element that is part of respiratory enzymes and helps accelerate oxidative processes. Also, for the implementation of respiration and activation of enzyme systems, microorganisms need copper, potassium, and magnesium. According to N. Kaletin (2007), the concentration of magnesium ions in the cell affects the energy production processes that occur in the mitochondria of microorganisms. [7]

The qualitative and quantitative composition of trace elements can be associated with metabolic processes occurring in microbial cells and can affect the degree of virulence of these pathogens. [13]
Studies have shown that in the anti-infectious protection, chelating proteins play an important role; one of them is calprotectin, which is found in neutrophils. In inflammatory processes, there is a large release of neutrophils into the area of inflammation, which creates an anti-inflammatory effect. It was also found that calprotectin binds zinc, manganese and iron, calcium, thereby inhibiting the spread of bacteria, opportunistic fungi, as well as viruses.

One of the ways to suppress the growth of opportunistic microorganisms is the activation of chelating proteins in neutrophils - calprotectin -during the disease, which will induce the activity of the body's immune system against the pathogen.

At the present stage, the search for new opportunities in the particularly external treatment of allergic skin diseases is an urgent and on-demand problem of dermatological practice. Since in recent years there has been a steady increase in the share of allergic dermatoses among skin diseases, which is 73.7% according to the latest data. Chronization, frequent recurrence and resistance to ongoing basic therapy pose a number of serious problems for clinicians and pharmacists in terms of developing new methods of therapy.

It should be noted that in the development of allergic diseases, the skin condition, i.e. epidermal barrier, is of critical importance. Irritants and allergens will primarily come into contact with human skin, through which the peptidoglycans of opportunistic microorganisms will contribute to the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the human body. [3]

Modern dermatology offers drugs of various nature and purpose for the treatment and prevention of allergic and pyoinflammatory affections of the skin and mucous membranes. However, the need for highly effective, affordable domestic medicines is not fully satisfied. The most commonly used anti-inflammatory drugs to treat this pathology, namely topical corticosteroids and other synthetic chemotherapeutic agents, not only cause drug resistance, but also lead to complications, which contributes to the persistent course of dermatoses. [9,10,11]

External therapy in dermatological practice is a leading part of therapeutic measures. External agents are evaluated not only by their local actions on the pathological process but also by their ability to produce a reflex action on the central and autonomic nervous system and metabolism, affecting through nerve receptors. The importance of the use of external agents for uncomplicated forms of skin diseases is assigned to the elimination of symptoms, in some cases, they have a direct etiological effect, while not being inferior to the effectiveness of systemic treatment.

Despite the large pharmacy arsenal of external drugs used in dermatological practice, the problem of external therapy in the treatment of allergic skin diseases still remains relevant. [16,17,18,20] 

In the course of basic research, the geochemical characteristics of siliceous solutions were evaluated and their anti-inflammatory and antibacterial studies were investigated by experiment, which contributed to the development of new therapeutic products for dermatological practice. [2]

In the framework of the applied grant PZ-20170922154 “Development of new medicines for external therapy for allergic dermatoses prepared on the basis of natural raw materials of Uzbekistan”, a new domestic therapeutic and cosmetic external use preparation silicon-salicylic cream “Fatisalik” was developed, which has moisturizing, tonic and regenerative effect.

The aim of our research wasevaluation of the therapeutic effectiveness of thesilicon-salicylic cream “Fatisalik” moisturizing cream in patients with seborrheic dermatitis.

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How to Cite
Mavlyanova Shaxnoza Zakirovna, Shukurov Ixlosjon Boltayevich, Yahshiyeva Malohat Farmonovna. (2021). Assessment of the Dermatological Index of the Symptom Scale in Patients with Seborrheic Dermatitis and Opportunistic Infection Based On the Use of Natural Silicon Oxide. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 3922 –. Retrieved from