Analysis of the Musical Elements Singing by the Miao Choral Song in Jingzhou, Hunan

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Xia Yu, Khomkrich Karin


This paper comes from the study of "jingzhou miao chorus in western hunan". This paper studies the multi - part singing of miao nationality in jingzhou. Based on the qualitative research method of field investigation, this paper aims to analyze the characteristics of multi-part singing elements of miao nationality. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: 1) further analysis of the characteristics of miao multi-part melody. 2) further analysis is made on the rhythmic characteristics and changes of miao multi-part singing. 3) the melody of miao singing is analyzed. 4) miao singing style needs further analysis.

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How to Cite
Xia Yu, Khomkrich Karin. (2021). Analysis of the Musical Elements Singing by the Miao Choral Song in Jingzhou, Hunan . Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 3697–3702. Retrieved from