Study on Subjectivity of Panic Disorder in Nursing Students

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Sunyoung Jang


The purpose of this study is to identify the subjectivity of the panic disorder perceived by the nursing students, to describe the characteristics by type and to understand the type of panic disorder. Q-methodology was applied. 17 junior and senior students of nursing department of A University who received the practical course were asked to classify 38 sentences of the statement on the panic disorder. The collected data were analyzed using QUANL PC Program. In the results of this study, the perception of the nursing students on the panic disorder was classified into 3 factors. The subjectivity types on the panic disorder are 'Panic disorder patient's social relations concentrated type', 'Symptoms of panic disorder concentrated type and 'Psychological cause of panic disorder concentrated type'. In the results of analyzing the subjectivity on the panic disorder using PC QUANL Program, 3 factors appeared and they explained 49.20% of entire variables: 30.32% for factor 1, 11.28% for factor 2 and 7.59% for factor 3. As the factor 1 has 30.32% of explanation power, the persons who are corresponded to each factor means that they are the group of persons showing similar response to the panic disorder. This study identified the perception of the nurses in the clinical service and provided the basic data for the education.

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How to Cite
Sunyoung Jang. (2021). Study on Subjectivity of Panic Disorder in Nursing Students. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 1122–1134. Retrieved from