Clinical, Immunological and Medico-Social Aspects of Allergic Diseases in Children

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Achilova D. N., Amonov R. A., Sharipova L. Kh., Yomgurova O. R., Rustamov B. B.


This article reveals the clinical and immunoregressive features of immunologic and allergic diseases in children, in addition to analyzing and analyzing the allergic characteristics of children in three developmental periods, the research demonstrates the scientific achievements of world scientists.

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How to Cite
Achilova D. N., Amonov R. A., Sharipova L. Kh., Yomgurova O. R., Rustamov B. B. (2021). Clinical, Immunological and Medico-Social Aspects of Allergic Diseases in Children. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 6736–6740. Retrieved from