Admission And Discharge From ICU And ICU Crowding, Do We Have A Protocol?

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Dr. Abid Haleem Khattak, Dr. Jawad Hameed, Dr. Sheharyar Ashraf, Dr. Sajjad Orakzai


Objectives: This research was conducted to generate ICU admissions and discharge protocol for lady reading hospital- MTI hospital Peshawar. The purpose of conducting this research was to make an admission and discharge protocol for our hospital and measures the results of critically ill patients. This protocol helps us in predicting the efficacy of protocol by calculating outcomes.


Study type: A controlled trial study.


Duration and place: Critical care department of lady reading hospital Peshawar from January 2019 to December 2019


Methodology: All the demographic information e.g., age, the sex was observed during the study. Clinical outcomes in terms of signs, laboratory test results, in-stay hospital mortality, duration of mechanical ventilation, ICU mortality, ICU stay duration, initial cardiopulmonary resuscitation were extracted from the electronic medical records of patients. With the help of ICU physicians, we observed Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) scores. Data related to time of stay in the emergency department was collected from emergency department records.


Results: After the implementation of protocols, we observed mortality rate, and length of ICU stay and found a significant statistical difference in mortality and admission ratio of patients after implementation of ICU protocol.


Conclusion:  Admission and discharge protocols help in reducing the time of hospital stay. There is a need for an admission protocol to secure more lives in fewer resources.

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How to Cite
Dr. Abid Haleem Khattak, Dr. Jawad Hameed, Dr. Sheharyar Ashraf, Dr. Sajjad Orakzai. (2021). Admission And Discharge From ICU And ICU Crowding, Do We Have A Protocol?. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 5467–5475. Retrieved from