Evaluation of the Efficacy of Some Biocontrol Agents in Controlling the Lesser Date Moth Batrachedra Amydraula. Meyrick), Cosmoptrygidae: Lepidoptera

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Khamees Abbood Oleiwi, Hazim Idan Al-Shammari


This study was carried out in one of the orchards in Al Saqlawiyah region of Anbar governorate to find out the effect of comercial formulation Bacillus thurengiensis (BT), botanical pesticide Matrixin plus, the aqueous extract of eucalyptus and the interaction between (Matrixin + aqueous extract of eucalyptus) On the percentage of infestation with the insect of Batrachedra amydraula of the Khostawi variety. The results showed that the treatment of B.T bacteria affected the percentage of infection with B.amydraula, reaching 7.67%, while other treatments varied in effect and amounted to (8.42, 9.25, and 9.92%), respectively. While it reached 18% in control treatment. The Matrixin plus treatment outperformed the rest of the treatments in its relative effectiveness, reaching 70.5%, while the other treatments varied with their relative efficacy amounting to (58.5, 56, 55.5)%, respectively, for the treatment (bacteria, mixture and aqueous extract of eucalyptus). As for the productive characteristics (weight kg, weight). 10 kg shamrock, average number of fruits per shamrock. The remainder of the transactions fluctuated by decrease. The comparison treatment was (7.8 kg, 0.5 kg, 12.9 fruits / shamrock), respectively, with a significant difference between the treatments.

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How to Cite
Khamees Abbood Oleiwi, Hazim Idan Al-Shammari. (2021). Evaluation of the Efficacy of Some Biocontrol Agents in Controlling the Lesser Date Moth Batrachedra Amydraula. Meyrick), Cosmoptrygidae: Lepidoptera. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 4377–4383. Retrieved from https://www.annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/1931