Morphological Condition of Irrigated Soils of Gijduvan District of Bukhara Oasis, Salinity Levels and Increase of Their Fertility

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Hafiza Tuymurodovna Artikova, Hilola Hamroevna Salimova


The article deals with the morphological structure and condition of irrigated soils of Gijduvan district of Bukhara oasis, salinity of irrigated soils, nutrients in the soil, soil absorption capacity, physical and chemical properties of soil, as well as negative and positive processes in maintaining soil fertility and ecologically clean products. information about.

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How to Cite
Hafiza Tuymurodovna Artikova, Hilola Hamroevna Salimova. (2021). Morphological Condition of Irrigated Soils of Gijduvan District of Bukhara Oasis, Salinity Levels and Increase of Their Fertility. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 3214–3223. Retrieved from