Comparative Evaluation of effect of Chlorhexidine, Aloevera and Green Tea on Push out Bond Strength of a Resin Sealer- An in Vitro Study

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Godlin Jenita, Iffat Nasim, Dhanraj Ganapathy



Effective cleaning and shaping of the root canal, as well as the creation of an apical seal, is the essential goal for successful endodontic treatment. Different irrigants and obturation techniques are being used for the same purpose . Irrigating a canal is one of the important step in root canal treatment. The purpose of irrigation is to remove the smear layer, infective micro organisms and debridement of pulpal tissue.



To compare the effect of chlorhexidine, aloevera and green tea on push out bond strength of a resin sealer.





 45 non carious  single rooted  teeth with intact roots were selected and were decoronated. Access opening was done followed by cleaning and shaping primarily with 3% NaOCl. The teeth were randomly assigned into 3 groups of 15 teeth each.Group 1 was irrigated with Chlorhexidine, Group 2 with Aloe Vera and group 3 with green tea. The canals were obturated with GP and Xenon Obtura R root canal  sealer and  and were allowed to set for 72 hours at room temperature and then were sliced into small discs at the level of CEJ of about 2 mm thickness. The dentin discs were subjected to Universal Testing Machine and Push out bond strength of the resin sealer was evaluated.



Green tea showed comparatively high push out bond strength as compared to other groups.



Green tea has better ability to remove the smear layer and can be considered to use it as a root canal irrigant.

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How to Cite
Godlin Jenita, Iffat Nasim, Dhanraj Ganapathy. (2021). Comparative Evaluation of effect of Chlorhexidine, Aloevera and Green Tea on Push out Bond Strength of a Resin Sealer- An in Vitro Study. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 2509–2515. Retrieved from