Feature of Ultrasound Examination in Children with Natural Injury of the Neck Spine

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Djurabekova Aziza Taxirovna, Ergasheva Maftuna Ozodovna


According to literary sources, birth trauma is statistically more common than traumatic brain injury. Modern obstetric care is based on standard and qualified protoxes, and if earlier during childbirth the main attention was focused on the woman in labor, at the moment the birth of a healthy child is a state priority (L). Despite this state of affairs, birth trauma is already one of the most common causes of death. Risk factors for birth trauma are diverse, including a large fetus, rapid labor, a functional narrow pelvis (etc.). Obviously, in all types of childbirth, the greatest impact falls on the fetal neck, in aggregate, on the passing vertebral arteries (l). Mechanical damage is subsequently manifested by secondary ischemization of neurons. The possibilities of diagnosing diseases of the nervous system in children have been expanded at the present stage. One of the leading methods of analysis, neurosonography, is the gold standard of its availability, an in-depth analysis of functional and structural changes in the brain in the early stages of brain formation in children. A great deal of experience has been accumulated in the use of ultrasound diagnostics of birth trauma of the central nervous system in children, for the assessment of normal and pathological anatomical structures (l). A great distance is caused by natal injuries in the craniovertebral zone of the spine, especially according to many studies, about 20% of birth injuries proceed unchanged on X-ray images. In accordance with this, only a comprehensive approach to the examination of this category of patients can provide significant assistance in the diagnosis and further treatment tactics.

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How to Cite
Djurabekova Aziza Taxirovna, Ergasheva Maftuna Ozodovna. (2021). Feature of Ultrasound Examination in Children with Natural Injury of the Neck Spine. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 2406–2409. Retrieved from https://www.annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/1696