Risk Factors, Clinical Characteristics Juvenile Dysmenorrhea

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Azadakhon Yuldasheva, Sadokatkhon Shokirova, Gulnoz Turaeva, Umida Yusupova, Dilfura Parpieva


Dysmenorrhea is a common pathological condition characterized by painful menstruation.  From modern neurophysiological positions, it is referred to as menstrual pain syndrome, which is more legitimate, since it can designate the entire wide range of neurovegetative, metabolic-endocrine, and psycho-emotional abnormalities of the menstruation process, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen [4,7].  In accordance with this definition, dysmenorrhea is a signal of disorders that have developed in the systems that provide and control the process of endometrial rejection [9]. In the ICD, painful menstruation is defined by the term dysmenorrhea, and in Russian-language reference books the term algomenorrhea is still used, implying painful menstruation that does not have an organic cause [7].  Thus, the term algomenorrhea or dysmenorrhea by itself, based on the above definition, is used in primary dysmenorrhea.  However, it should be noted that quite often painful periods are a secondary manifestation of a number of pathological conditions [3,6,9]. It should be taken into account that painful menstruation in most cases turns out to be only one of the most striking symptoms of gynecological, somatic, or psychosomatic diseases, and sometimes their combination [1,4,8]. GA Savitsky describes the pain as a conscious unpleasant feeling, with many pathophysiological reactions in all vital systems of the body, which can cause the suffering of varying degrees of severity - from tolerable to unbearable, up to personality disintegration.

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How to Cite
Azadakhon Yuldasheva, Sadokatkhon Shokirova, Gulnoz Turaeva, Umida Yusupova, Dilfura Parpieva. (2021). Risk Factors, Clinical Characteristics Juvenile Dysmenorrhea. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 737–745. Retrieved from https://www.annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/165