Professional Development of the Teacher's Personality in the System of Secondary Special Vocational Education

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Samieva Shakhnoz Hikmatovna, Raxmatov Shuxrat Axadovich, Asadova Sitora Sadullaevna, Djurayeva Taxmina Saidovna


In the article, the role of a teacher as a receiver and conductor of professional knowledge as a professional development of a teacher in the system of secondary special and professional education is not only to systematize different information flows to form a holistic approach to informing and obtaining information. Creation of conditions for interest in self-education using communication technologies, one of the aspects of such interest is the implementation of innovative approaches to professional development of the teacher.

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How to Cite
Samieva Shakhnoz Hikmatovna, Raxmatov Shuxrat Axadovich, Asadova Sitora Sadullaevna, Djurayeva Taxmina Saidovna. (2021). Professional Development of the Teacher’s Personality in the System of Secondary Special Vocational Education. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(2), 2946–2949. Retrieved from