Assessing Academic Self-Efficacy, Knowledge and Attitude of Undergraduate Dental Students

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Arun Kishore, Jothi Priya, Gayathri Devi, Lakshminarayanan Arivarasu


Introduction: According to psychologist Albert Bandura who originally proposed the concept, it is “how well one can execute courses of action required to deal with prospective situations. In simple words, it can be said as the belief or the ability to solve a complex problem or complete a task in time and achieve the goal you had set. A good example , A student feels confident that he will be able to do well in the test , this is a great example of self-efficacy.

Materials and Methods: The questions were prepared and distributed through an online survey planet link the participants well explained about the study and the results were collected and statistically analysed.

Result and Discussion: The From the analysed results we can see that the majority are self sufficient in academics, knowledge and attitude.the results were obtained and was carefully analyzed.

Conclusion: From the survey, it was evident that majority of the dental students are self-efficacy in academic, knowledge and attitude

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How to Cite
Arun Kishore, Jothi Priya, Gayathri Devi, Lakshminarayanan Arivarasu. (2021). Assessing Academic Self-Efficacy, Knowledge and Attitude of Undergraduate Dental Students. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(2), 2777–2788. Retrieved from