Dopplerometric Examinations in Women with Uterine Myoma and Liver Pathology in Anamnesis

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Sadullaeva U. A., Kayumova D. T., Najmutdinova D. K., Karimov A. X., Akhmedova G. A., Chorieva G. Z.


The urgency of the problem.Uterine fibroids is the most common benign myometrial tumor, which affects approximately 20% of women over 30-35 years of age [6,7], is diagnosed more often in late reproductive age [9]. Due to the fact that in some cases there is an asymptomatic course, the disease is detected in 5 - 10% during routine examinations or ultrasound examination [1,4,5].Despite numerous studies, proposals and implementation of new means and methods of treatment of uterine fibroids remains the most common gynecological pathology [8].

The leading role in the development of uterine fibroids belongs to hyperestrogenism due to changes in the metabolism of steroid hormones in the liver.

The dyshormonal nature of the tumor determines the presence of a number of metabolic disorders, functional liver failure. In the formation of hormonal disorders, which are one of the main links in the pathogenesis of uterine fibroids, the liver is directly involved, actively participating in the metabolism of estrogen. Of the numerous metabolic functions of the liver in uterine myoma, enzymatic inactivation and conjugation of steroid hormones with glucuronic and sulfuric acids are most often changed [2,3]. This circumstance is to a certain extent explained by the fact that in patients with uterine myoma, various diseases of the liver and biliary tract are often found, which contribute to the disruption of estrogen metabolism.


Purpose of the study.To study the echodopplerometric parameters of the uterine vessels, the functional state of the liver in women with uterine myoma

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How to Cite
Sadullaeva U. A., Kayumova D. T., Najmutdinova D. K., Karimov A. X., Akhmedova G. A., Chorieva G. Z. (2021). Dopplerometric Examinations in Women with Uterine Myoma and Liver Pathology in Anamnesis. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 380–386. Retrieved from