Assessment of the Knowledge of the Population about Hazards on Heat Exposure in Saudi Arabia 2023

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Samya Abdulaziz Serdar



Hazards on heat exposure are a public health concern. The impacts of  hazards on heat on mortality and morbidity at the population scale are well documented, but little is known about specific exposures that individuals experience, human exposure to a hot environment may result in various heat-related illnesses (HRIs), which range in severity from mild and moderate forms to life-threatening heat exposure, heat illnesses and heatstroke, heat-related illnesses presenting to the emergency department are associated with high mortality and morbidity, especially in the elderly, define personal heat exposure as realized contact between a person and an indoor or outdoor environment that poses a risk of increases in body core temperature and/or perceived discomfort, the population  hazards on heat exposure can be measured directly with wearable monitors or estimated indirectly through the combination of time–activity and meteorological data sets. Complementary information to understand hazards on heat exposure , susceptibility, and health and comfort outcomes can be collected from additional monitors, surveys, interviews, ethnographic approaches, and additional social and health data sets.

Aim of the study: To assessment knowledge of the population about hazards on heat exposure at Saudi Arabia 2023.

Methods: Across sectional descriptive study conducted among population who attending at primary Health care Center in Saudi Arabia 2023 during  July, 2023 to September 2023,  Our total Sample size of participants were (400)

Results: show distribution of the relation of participant to knowledge about Hazards of Heat Exposure and Prevalence of Heat Illnesses regarding the knowledge the most of participants answer Yes knowledge were (71.0%)  followed by No were (29.0%) and total were (100.0%) while heave a significant relation were P-value <0.001 and X2 69.722 Conclusion: population heat exposure research provides more valid and precise insights into how often people encounter hazards on heat exposure, heat conditions and when, where, to whom, and why these encounters occur. Published literature on personal heat exposure is limited to date, but existing studies point to opportunities to inform the population practice regarding hazards on heat exposure fine-scale precision is needed to reduce health consequences of heat exposure

Article Details

How to Cite, S. A. S. . (2023). Assessment of the Knowledge of the Population about Hazards on Heat Exposure in Saudi Arabia 2023. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 27(01), 366–383. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Samya Abdulaziz Serdar

Samya Abdulaziz Serdar 1, Ameen Mousa Fawas Alhazmi2, Asmah Kamel Faris Almatrafi3, Nouf Kamel Al-Matrafi4, Nouf Abdulrahman Abdullah Melebary5, Amina Mohammed Bin Bakhit Alluqmani6, Makkiyyah Sultan Mohammad Aljayzani7, Jamila Hamd Hmad Algurashi7, Mansour Saeed Ahmed Alzahrani7, Khalid Dakhilalla S Alotaibi8, Muhammad Faisal Abdulaziz Hassanein9, Ahmed Mousa Ahmed Felemban9, Hamed Othman Bando Abdullah9, Fatimah Turki Alatyani10, Essam Muawadh Alrihaili11

1Nursing technician, Jarul Health center, Saudi Arabia.

2Nursing technician, Al-Iskan health center, Saudi Arabia.

3 Pharmacy technician, Maternity and Children's Hospital in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, Saudi Arabia.

4Nursing specialist, Hira General Hospital in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, Saudi Arabia.

5Midwifery, Prince Ahmed Health Center in Khaldiya, Fourth Health Cluster, Saudi Arabia

6Nursing technician, Prince Ahmed Health Center in Khaldiya, Fourth Health Cluster, Saudi Arabia.

7Nursing technician, Batha Quraish Health Center, Saudi Arabia.

8Nursing technician Al Mansour Primary Health Care, Saudi Arabia.

9Nursing technician, Al-Hajla Health Center, Saudi Arabia.

10Nursing specialist, Al Mansour Primary Health Care, Saudi Arabia.

11Health administration specialist, Department of Public Health, Directorate of Health Affairs Makkah Region, Saudi Arabia.