Legal Protection of Dental and Oral Therapists for Oral Delegation by Dentists

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Sukini, Fuad Fatkhurrohman, Puji Lestari, Sri Nurdiana Purwaningsih, Ontran Sumantri Riyanto


Delegation of authority is the transfer of duties to others who are legitimate in carrying out activities intended to achieve specific objectives. Implementing the delegation of medical action authority from the dentist to the dental and oral therapists must be carried out in writing. The mechanism of implementation must be exact. By law, medical action against dental patients is authorized. The dentist must do it, but the dental and oral therapist does the reality in the hospital or the dentist's practice. This study aims to provide legal protection for dental and oral therapists in performing medical actions on the verbal delegation of authority from dentists. This research uses, a sociological juridical approach; the research specification used is a descriptive-analytical method about legal protection for dental and oral therapists in performing medical actions on the transfer of authority orally by dentists. The results of this study that the knowledge of dentists and dental and oral therapists about the delegation of authority and legal protection is still lacking. This is because dentists and dental and oral therapists do not yet know about the legislation related to authority delegation. In conducting dental health services efforts, the authority of dental and oral therapists, namely delegation and mandate authority.

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How to Cite
Sukini, Fuad Fatkhurrohman, Puji Lestari, Sri Nurdiana Purwaningsih, Ontran Sumantri Riyanto. (2021). Legal Protection of Dental and Oral Therapists for Oral Delegation by Dentists. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(2), 1756–1761. Retrieved from